Ok. So I posted this question a couple days back and have been scouring the inter webs to find some answers… One of Kiefers main ingredients to backloading (Casein Hydrolysate or PeptoPro) has me popping 50+ peptopro pills in one serving. It's ludicrous. I'm totally OK with bitter taste Casein Hydrolysate but need a link to what to buy. Someone please help! What are you all using??!Patrick
I think he mentioned whey hydrosolate also as an option to casein hydrosylate. Also for post workout, blend H from protein factory works too.I just picked up a few lbs of this to see how it'll work: http://proteinfactory.com/shop/Hydrolyzed-Whey-Protein-Optipep/. I think also Optimum Nutrition's Hydro whey should also work (taste isn't bad either).
Yeah man, MOST Hydrolyzed proteins literally taste like puke. It's due to the enzymes that partially digest the proteins. Pepto Pro has the LEAST pukey taste. For me, my best mixture so far was A scoop of Pepto Pro with Rilose and a scoop of Hawaiian Punch or Fruit punch gatorade for a PWO shake.