CBL to Carb Nite, here we go…

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    Hello fellow Carb-niters,So, I've been backloading for many months now and while I love the lifestyle and have definitely added strength I've also added a little flab, which leads me to believe I screwed up somewhere. This isn't much of a surprise, given I never bough the book. I can't afford it, but, anyway... The Carb Nite Solution was in range, so I bought that the other day and so begins my prep phase. This is day one. I finished off my CBL days (for the time being) last night with a major, gluttonous re-feed after training legs.This morning, I did fasted HIIT (as Kiefer recommends: 30 seconds on etc) but wasn't entirely sure what to have immediately afterward. It was coming up to the golden 12 hour mark since my splurge last night so I had some coffee with a tbsp of coconut oil. Is that bad right after some HIIT, or am I good to go?Also, I plan on continuing with weight-lifting while on 'Carb Nite' (but will obviously dial it back a little) and aim to take 1 scoop of Whey protein (ON Whey) and a scoop of Leucine (Bioforce) PWO. Is that all good?Thanks for the support.Cropsy.


    The coffee with CO is just fine after HIIT.If you feel like you maybe can't stomach it you can go up to 14 hours if you need to give it some extra time.And the Whey and Lucine PWO is just fine to do.Just watch yourself with your lifting, you wont be able to recover quite as well.You seem pretty much good to go otherwise.


    Agreed…As well make sure you remember that your calories can be spread more throughout the day so watch not to over eat. The morning you can still skip breakfast I know I do, but you can have a fat and protein dinner as well and even a dessert.



    Great. Thanks guys!

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CBL to Carb Nite, here we go…

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