Pain! =(

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    Richard Schmitt

    So for the last week now I've had pain in my lower right side. Next to my lower hip/lower back area I'm not sure what to do make this better, it's really bothering me because I have a hard time bending over or lifting my legs, and worried about doing squats. Any thoughts?



    Hmmm. I had similar sounding issues a few weeks ago, got a massage (which actually made it worse before it got better), took lots of Vicodin, and did rounds of ice/hot Epsom salt baths/ rest while spending a day on the couch with my dogs watching trashy tv. Can you get your hands on some muscle relaxers? Might speed recovery up (if its a tweaked muscle like mine was). Speedy recovery- I know exactly the frustration you're feeling right now!


    Richard Schmitt

    Hmmm. I had similar sounding issues a few weeks ago, got a massage (which actually made it worse before it got better), took lots of Vicodin, and did rounds of ice/hot Epsom salt baths/ rest while spending a day on the couch with my dogs watching trashy tv. Can you get your hands on some muscle relaxers? Might speed recovery up (if its a tweaked muscle like mine was). Speedy recovery- I know exactly the frustration you're feeling right now!

    I definitely know I need a massage! I don't have icey/hot, but will soon. Just have to find a store to get some. Might go look here in a second. I have done the epsom salt at one point for aches/pains, and worked wonders while resting. Maybe that's what I need again. I think I hurt it while doing deadlifts =/ I jumped into lifting heavy (like I used to) and I think that's what happened, unforuntately what is going with me now has dampered my strength severly...Any recommendations for those muscle relaxors? I'll probably have to ask the medical staff here, or look online. And I appreciate the help! It is quite frustrating too.



    Cyclobenzaprine, tizanidine, carisprodol


    Do you foam roll?


    Richard Schmitt

    Cyclobenzaprine, tizanidine, carisprodol

    Guessing I'll have to Google these haha.

    Do you foam roll?

    No I don't, not that I don't choose to, just that I don't have access to one.



    In the absence of a foam roller you could use a tennis/lacrosse ball or even a length of PVC pipe.


    In the absence of a foam roller you could use a tennis/lacrosse ball or even a length of PVC pipe.

    You will have a love hate relationship with all of these things lol...  I have a pvc wrapped in foam and it is fantastic.

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Pain! =(

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