AM "Fasted" Training Template

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    I'm AM Fasted training as well.  What do you mean by Upgraded coffee and whey? 



    adam, when you talk about upgraded coffe you mean the coffee form bulltproof, right? i guess the coffe is good, and it seems okey. skip the creatine with it. some study showes that coffee and creatine does not work well together but, im not sure what people think about it in here.¨postworkout i would use small amount of isolate, leucine, creatine, ( maybe not creatine since you should use coffee!) some dextrose just a small amount say something like 20 g or so and ocf use hydrolyzed protein. iused pure peptopro before but that taste like ******* shit!



    Creatine is fine with your coffee.


    Kevin Creel

    I've been training fasted in the a.m for about 2 months now due to the increased ability to gain muscle if you work out in the a.m vs p.m training (fact I got from Naomi and is also mentioned by Keifer in the book).  I have had great results with this schedule.For me.....Wake with coffee or straight caffeine pills and 5 g creatine monohydrate.W/O 45 minutes later.PWO is 40 g dextrose, 30 g isolated protein, 5 g creatine monohydrate and 3 g Leucine.1 hour PWO shake is coffee with heavy cream and 1 stevia packet.  Then lunch at around 1200 which is protein/fat.Snack at around 1500 which is protein/fat.Then dinner at around 1730 which is carbs and protein.  I sometimes eat carbs every night, or depending on how I feel/look, I might stay off them if I don't work out the next day.  On off days I wake at 0600 and have coffee with creatine, then coffee again at 0900 with heavy cream.  Rest of the schedule stays the same.I'm 6'0, 203 lbs at around 12 -13% BF and lift heavy duty program.  Started at around 16% and am still losing fat.



    Thanks to all who responded.  Kevin, that's really interesting about AM training increasing the ability to gain muscle.  I've really gotta get that damn book and stop pestering everybody  with questions  ;DUpgraded Coffee + Whey= Asprey's yes.  I'll be going with BlueBonnet for a bit when my current shipment of the whey runs out but I would definitely recommend it in terms of whey for a variety of reasons.-Adam



    Hi,Also have a question related to AM fasted workout protocol. In the book at the end, they recommend 1-2 'ignition' shakes 30 min after your PWO in the morning. It includes whey, coffee, coconut oil and creatine. Anybody can explain the rationale for it? I was considering having a 2nd PWO but this one without carbs.Cheers.

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AM "Fasted" Training Template

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