Candidate for daily backload?

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    I am currently on my 7th day of the prep phase and I plan on following the “strength accumulation” protocol. I am wondering if I should backload daily due to my training regimen. Here is a typical week:Mon: Back and Bi (lots of weighted pulls & heavy rows w/ some accesory thickbar curls)Tues: prowler and occaisonally climbing at a local gymWed: Strongman events trainingThurs: prowlerFri: Chest shoulder triSat: lower bodySun: rest and recoveryI am concerned that the prowler workouts will use too much glycogen and affect the next day's workout, so I was planning on doing a mini backload, about half of my normal carb backload allotment. Is this a good place to start?


    I'd say play with it.It might work best for you doing it daily, but you have to figure that out for yourself.Just track what works, if you don't drop fat cut down on the backload days.


    Conrado Tiu

    I am currently on my 7th day of the prep phase and I plan on following the "strength accumulation" protocol. I am wondering if I should backload daily due to my training regimen. Here is a typical week:Mon: Back and Bi (lots of weighted pulls & heavy rows w/ some accesory thickbar curls)Tues: prowler and occaisonally climbing at a local gymWed: Strongman events trainingThurs: prowlerFri: Chest shoulder triSat: lower bodySun: rest and recoveryI am concerned that the prowler workouts will use too much glycogen and affect the next day's workout, so I was planning on doing a mini backload, about half of my normal carb backload allotment. Is this a good place to start?

    Really all depends on how intensely you do all of the above. How do you measure? One guy's prowler is another guy's ho hum.  Where are you  coming from? stats? 



    I recently received my prowler in the mail and have only done challenge 1 once: 6-40 yard sprints weighted with 140 lbs with a 60 sec rest between each set and alternating high and low handles. I didn't have the ability to film it because I was by myself, but I plan on doing so next time and sending it to elitefts (upon their request via Twitter). I felt pretty strong, and completed it, though I definitely felt the flu, but this was a couple days ago, so I was doing it sans glycogen.  I currently a, 6'3" at 219 lbs down from 228 pre prep phase. I didn't measure body fat %, but I'd guess I'm about 15% (I can sort of see my abs).I raw dead 535, squat 520 w/ an overhead log pushpress of 255 and can load a 365 atlas stone. On events days I usually finish with a medley something like this:150 lb sandbag fireman carry lunges for 50'-flip 630lbs tire 5 times afap- then 20 alternating strikes with a 12 lbs sledge hammer for 3 rounds with a 45 sec rest between rounds.

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Candidate for daily backload?

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