Developing Diabetes from CBL’ing

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    Hello everyone,My friends college professor who teaches biology, anatomy, and a slew of other classes informed me and my friend that it could be possible to develop diabetes over time from spiking your insulin like we do every night. My question was healthy is CBL'ing for you? I understand that your body is changing and forming on the outside to what you would prefer but, what about the inside. My dad has had brain lesions for quite sometime now me and him always discuss different diets and he wasn't so keen on this one. I have been doing it for about 3 weeks now and have noticed massive gains in the gym as well as a pretty cut body after gaining 10 lbs (weigh 190). I have just recently started healthy carb backloading and it seems to work just as fine. I do dirty carb backload a decent amount of times during the week though. Anyone's thoughts?Thanks


    You have to remember Kiefer came up with this from researching how resistance training helps people with diabetes. If we were doing it nightly without resistance training to translocate Glut-4 I'd imagine it might be an issues, but with the heavy resistance training I don't think it's gonna be a problem.



    Very good question, I think like any diet it will need refinement and moderation.  8)



    You have to remember Kiefer came up with this from researching how resistance training helps people with diabetes. If we were doing it nightly without resistance training to translocate Glut-4 I'd imagine it might be an issues, but with the heavy resistance training I don't think it's gonna be a problem.

    +1CBL Relies on the activation of GLUT4.  I wouldn't be eating a whole pizza and not getting fat if i didn't resistance train  lol



    Thanks for the input guys I appreciate it!


    Naomi Most

    Hello everyone,My friends college professor who teaches biology, anatomy, and a slew of other classes informed me and my friend that it could be possible to develop diabetes over time from spiking your insulin like we do every night. My question was healthy is CBL'ing for you? I understand that your body is changing and forming on the outside to what you would prefer but, what about the inside. My dad has had brain lesions for quite sometime now me and him always discuss different diets and he wasn't so keen on this one. I have been doing it for about 3 weeks now and have noticed massive gains in the gym as well as a pretty cut body after gaining 10 lbs (weigh 190). I have just recently started healthy carb backloading and it seems to work just as fine. I do dirty carb backload a decent amount of times during the week though. Anyone's thoughts?Thanks

    Punctuated insulin releases don't create insulin resistance (leading to diabetes); chronically elevated levels of insulin do.

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Developing Diabetes from CBL’ing

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