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    Anyone Doing StrongLifts or Starting Strength? I just started StrongLifts and wanted to know how your results are and if the 3x5 protocol of Starting Strength is better than the 5x5 of StrongLifts. I know stronglifts is a straight copy of starting strength except for a few changes (he even recommends drinking a gallon of milk to bulk) wanted to know people's experiences with either. I am progressing good with  stronglifts but having issues with the squats due to bad knees. Been working on range of motion for about a month and I think I am ready for weights this week or next. All other lifts are ok.



    I ran starting strength when I first started lifting. Did pretty well. Took me to a 295sq/205bp/315dl after a few months. I was around 200-210lbs at the time.



    I ran starting strength when I first started lifting. Did pretty well. Took me to a 295sq/205bp/315dl after a few months. I was around 200-210lbs at the time.

    I really wanted to do this program because of Rippetoe's reputation, but I was really intimidated by the power clean. Did you sub that for anything or you did the power cleans?



    i ran starting strength for the last 3-4months and really enjoyed it. I just started with the bar for power cleans and watch a good few videos from glenn pendlay over on cal strength. I enjoyed doing the oly lifts that much that i have been doing his oly program for the last month.



    i ran starting strength for the last 3-4months and really enjoyed it. I just started with the bar for power cleans and watch a good few videos from glenn pendlay over on cal strength. I enjoyed doing the oly lifts that much that i have been doing his oly program for the last month.

    Thanx for the info, stronglifts recommends dropping to 3x5 once you start missing lifts I think I am going to try starting strength then. Power cleans do look very useful because of the explosiveness of it.



    I have never tried the 3X5 protocol, but I have been on the 5X5 and it's great…… even on CNS I am seeing gains, and have dropped 20lbs. Went from 215lbs to 195lbs.



    The Power Clean is fucking awesome, and Rippetoe actually is quoted as saying you can do it every workout without problems.  If you're doing SS, might want to buy the book as well.  It has like 80 pages worth of explanation for each lift.-Adam


    Brandon D Christ

    I love 5×5 it is by far the most effective workout I have ever done.  I tried much more complex workouts, but they still don't give me thw results 5×5 does.

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