BF% estimation

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    Thanks in advanceage: 20height: 5'6.5''weight: 173.2


    Damon Amato

    Hmm, I was going to say 15-16%.



    Looks close to me before I started CNS. I'd say D$'s estimate is pretty darn close (as good as you can get from that pic anyway).


    Damon Amato

    If you look at my most recent pic in my rogue log, I am somewhere between 15-17% on CNS for reference. Now that I'm doing CBL I actually look a lot more muscular but also carrying a ton of water around my waist.



    My thoughts are 17-18%, a little softer around the belly button to say lower?



    Yea I was thinking 17-18% as well.  Oh and sorry for the terrible qualityThanks guys!


    Richard Schmitt

    Shit..then I must be over 15% then… =/



    Well your abs arent showing yet. Normaly your abs start showing at around 13%. So yea your above 13% at the moment.



    Well your abs arent showing yet. Normaly your abs start showing at around 13%. So yea your above 13% at the moment.

    That would depend entirely on the measurement method. 7 site skinfold with digital calipers calibrated to 1/100th of a millimeter usually read 9% or so when the abs start to peek out. Abdominal development and muscle tone is also a factor here.



    Well your abs arent showing yet. Normaly your abs start showing at around 13%. So yea your above 13% at the moment.

    That would depend entirely on the measurement method. 7 site skinfold with digital calipers calibrated to 1/100th of a millimeter usually read 9% or so when the abs start to peek out. Abdominal development and muscle tone is also a factor here.

    good point.Its just what i read on the internet.



    Out of interest, why are you interested in the number? The real value to body-fat estimations (when performed accurately) is to provide a baseline indicator of progress. It's impossible to give an accurate estimation by eye, especially without a back and leg photo. Getting a DEXA or even skin-fold assessment done would be a good way to keep track of progress but in general, given that most people want to diet until they look a certain way the number doesn't matter in my opinion.  Unless of course you would be happy with a read out of "10%" even if you were still unhappy with your appearance. Looks like you're making good progress with CN! Nice one. By the way, thanks for linking our article in another thread, you're a really valued member of our forums. 


    Jeffrey Hansen

    Definitely good as a progress report, especially since with CBL the weight may go up at times even with hard work/strict adherence. 



    Out of interest, why are you interested in the number? The real value to body-fat estimations (when performed accurately) is to provide a baseline indicator of progress. It's impossible to give an accurate estimation by eye, especially without a back and leg photo. Getting a DEXA or even skin-fold assessment done would be a good way to keep track of progress but in general, given that most people want to diet until they look a certain way the number doesn't matter in my opinion.  Unless of course you would be happy with a read out of "10%" even if you were still unhappy with your appearance. Looks like you're making good progress with CN! Nice one. By the way, thanks for linking our article in another thread, you're a really valued member of our forums.

    I'm not even sure why I started this thread. I think I was trying to get an idea of the amount of LBM i had to adjust protein needs appropriately. However, in hind-sight it was most likely just mental masturbation. I've very recently started to take a much more relaxed approach to this diet, and have already seen results. Thanks for the kind words, your site/forums are a great help to me!

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BF% estimation

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