Greetings from Kentucky

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    Hello everyone, My name is Joey, I am in Lexington, KY.  I am good friends with Jim Laird, one of the latest people to interview Kiefer and a long-time reader of all things EliteFTS.  I have been familiar with Kiefer through that site for some time, but his interview on Jim's radio show caused me to pull the trigger and purchase the CBL e-book.I am finishing up a carb-cycling diet next week with an excellent coach.  While I have seen great results from that style of dieting twice, I feel that it comes with a certain amount of lower testosterone and too much cardio for my liking.  So, enter CBL.  I am going to begin the prep phase in two weeks.I am almost 32 years old, 6'3" and 215 lbs at somewhere between 11-13% bf if I had to guess.  My training style is 5/3/1  with a lot of bodyweight assistance work, which seems to work well for my long limbs.I have never competed, as weightlifting was always more of a major hobby than anything else.  I plan to remedy that as soon as I fix my squat form and tight hips.  I didn't pick up a barbell until I was 21 and I didn't get serious about lifting until I was 27 or so.  I have a lot of catching up to do!My best gym lifts are a 355 squat, a 500 deadlift and a 345 bench, no gear.  The squat and the deadlift were done within the last 6 weeks, the bench was done before I started the diet, but I don't think it's too far from that right now despite the weight loss.  I am also a drummer of 17 years if anyone wants to talk music, my first love!  My band is http://www.dreamtheelectricsleep.comGlad to be here amongst so many knowledgeable people!Thanks for reading....


    Richard Schmitt

    Hey wow welcome aboard sir! Glad to have you, that interview was pretty knowledgeable. Numbers are impressive too and hope CBL will get you to where you want to be! Good luck and have fun.



    Thanks!  I have enjoyed lurking for about a week, so I am excited to actually be a part of the community.  I busted out of the gate with quite a lot of information, didn't I?  I didn't realize how long of a 'hello' I posted until I read it back, haha!


    Richard Schmitt

    Ah no worries, the more we know, the more we can help!


    Lasse Elsbak

    Nice, more drummers!Welcome ^^


    Shane Layton

    Welcome!I'm a guitarist/singer/song-writer myself.  8)



    Welcome! That interview is one of my favorites, great job by both parties, being informational and entertaining.I used to sing in a band in my younger days, always nice to have another comrade here. I have always thought that music rounds ou the intellect.



    Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone!  NewJenn, yes, let's hope that music rounds out the intellect!  I take some pride in developing my chops, but really I strive for overall groove and beating the living hell out of my drums! It's catharsis at its best, maybe even better than lifting weights.  It's something about the primal nature of rhythm I think. 

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Greetings from Kentucky

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