Help out the new guy!

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    Hey everyone,I'm brand new to backloading and am tremendously excited to get started, but first I have couple "new guy" questions. I appreciate any feedback!(1) Should I limit fats (of any kind) when backloading and focus on carbs and protein, or is that somewhat irrelevant?(2) The "pre carb-mealtimes macro calculator" suggests I have about 40g of fat in the earlier portion of the day. Post-training, what is a rough estimate of total fat I should be consuming? I'm thinking roughly 0.5g of fat/lb bodyweight and 1g protein/lb of bodyweight (total for the day).Naturally, lots of experimentation will be needed but any advice to get me started would be great. Thanks in advance!-BD


    1. This seems to be somewhat irrelevant.2. That is the minimum amount of fat you should eat during the ULC.I know it's a bit confusing, Keifer has stated that will be revamped with an update.Aim for 1:1g ratio of fat to protein.



    Thanks Trevorxgage, those numbers help. I've noticed a couple mistakes and misprints in the ebook so I want to make sure I get things right the first time.-BD


    No problem.And welcome!Always feel free to ask question, it's a pretty good bunch of people here.



    I've noticed how supportive everyone seems to be. I guess with a nutrition set-up like carb backloading, you've got to stick together!



    I'm the new guy, too. 🙂


    Jeffrey Hansen

    One important fat/back loading consideration is immediately after your workout, try not to blunt the insulin response your trying to create with too much fat.  Someone can correct me, but I would guess after working out, during the back load the fat macro should ideally be smaller, is that correct?



    That makes sense to me. In any carb-cycling approach, one of the main goals of a high carb day is to minimize fat intake.In regards to CBL, the same approach seems logical. I seem to have some difficulties understanding how pizza is good for backloading but I suppose one could ask the chef to go "light on the cheese."  😛


    Jeffrey Hansen

    I have to correct myself, today on biojacked Kiefer said fat eaten with carbs “adds under the curve” or something like that, meaning fats eaten with carbs will either spike the insulin higher, or make the spike last longer.  This brings another question, does that also then apply to the post workout shake?  Chocolate milk would be good!



    I'm looking for ONE good reason to drink chocolate milk with my backload. Somebody PLEASE help a guy out!


    Richard Schmitt

    I'm looking for ONE good reason to drink chocolate milk with my backload. Somebody PLEASE help a guy out!

    Milk will help spike insulin. Is that a good enough reason? Plus it tastes good, thickens the Whey Isolate more, can use it in cereal, or use it by itself.



    You're a god damn hero, Big Tex!


    Richard Schmitt

    You're a god damn hero, Big Tex!

    Haha thanksSent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

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