What constitutes a prep phase?

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    I understand that the prep phase is supposed to be low carb, but is there a number we have to stay below to go into ketogenesis?I still have to keep my calorie numbers up, so I need to eat stuff like cottage cheese and peanut butter that contain some carbs. I can easily stay below like 75g, but it gets pretty hard any lower. Will I still reap the benefits of the prep phase or should i do a DB cycle first so that I don't have to worry as much about keeping my calories up when I do SA?


    Lasse Elsbak

    At 75g a day I don't think there's a benefit of doing a prep phase. The max limit, just like pre-workout, is 30g. I'm betting that you don't have the book since you're asking. 😛Calories are really not that important on eith CBL plan btw 🙂



    I actually do have the book, I just wasn't sure if it was the same standard… What do you mean calories don't matter?


    Because of the way everything is set up calories aren't as important as we are led to believe.A calorie isn't just a calorie.But, to really add on some weight you need to eat a lot, so rather then using cottage cheese (which isn't the best during the ULC part of the day because of the chance of insulin spiking) and other higher carb items just use more butter, coconut oil, MCT, beef, and cheese.Draugluir is right, 30g is the limit, period.That way it teaches your body to burn fat and it helps to prevent the carbs from backloading from becoming fat.

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What constitutes a prep phase?

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