I've read the book twice and pretty much grasp it but have some questions regarding the training times.But first a little about meΒ πI'm a typical endomesomorph (put on muscle easier than most but with lots of fat!) So for the last year I've been playing around with Carb Cycling,Calorie Cycling, Nutrient Timing and IF so when this program came I out it was the logical next step. I've been training properly for about 3 years now but have realized that I do need to step it up. As it says in the subject it's my 5th day and I have only had a few minor problems such as fatigue, stomach issues on day 2 & 3 but now I feel fine π Anyway enough about me!Question: On Sunday's I usually get up around 10AM then train fasted at about 12PM. Looking at the Sample meal plans in the book it's pretty much protein/fat until 6PM. My question is will the tGLUT in my muscles still be able to bypass Insulin even though I'll be eating carbs 6 hours after working out? Or will there be a chance of some fat storage?