Fish beats Fish oil

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    Posted this on the DH FB page. It looks like real fish beats fish oil supplementation in terms of raising plasma levels of EPA and DHA. 😮 Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, Herring, and Trout ftw. 'The serum content of EPA and DHA before and after intervention revealed a higher rise in EPA and DHA in the cooked salmon group (129% rise in EPA and 45% rise in DHA) as compared with CLO (106 and 25%, respectively) despite an intake of EPA and DHA in the CLO group of 3.0 g/d compared with 1.2 g/d in the cooked salmon group.' They say that less total Omega 3 is needed if it's coming from a fish source as opposed to the isolated oil. This is due to the 'differences in physiochemical structure of the lipids' apparently. This seems like a significant difference. I wish we had access to the brand of CLO, but it's clear they used a liquid form where 15ml (about 1T) of CLO nets 1.2g of Omega 3.



    Well sure, any whole food source is going to be better than supplementation.  I think it's a good idea to include some fish in your diet.  But if you are aiming for  a certain amount of EPA and DHA, for example 5g,  dosing with whole fish is nearly impossible since the omega-3 content can vary wildly depending on exact species, diet, the temperature of the water and which section of the fish you are eating.  For most species of salmon you may have to eat a whole pound to get 5g of omega-3s.  How much of that is actually EPA/DHA, I don't know.  Anyway, all that protein (about 125g) doesn't leave much room for my staple protein source- BACON  😀



    The study seems to suggest that you don't need a lot of fish to get the same amounts as fish oil. 1.2g of omega 3 was better than 3.0g of fish oil. That's less than half. So try getting 2g from fish per day or 14g from fish per week and you're set. Or not. obviously it's all up to you. Some people would rather get protein from other sources. Bacon will always win it seems... 😀The omega 3 content varies between fish species, you're right.

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Fish beats Fish oil

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