Please Critique My CBL Strategy

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    I am just finishing up the prep phase and thought I'd write out my plan for your consideration…First, a little background:Height: 6'3Weight: 235Reason for Training: FootballGoal with CBL: RecompositionTraining Schedule: Two-a-days, six days a week (I know this sounds ridiculous but it works and I enjoy it)I can't really afford to lose weight. However, I am in no hurry to gain weight (maybe a pound or two a month would be nice), so I was thinking a sort of modified SA phase.Here's what I thought it would look like (drawn from some of your help):700 am Accelerator Shake without whey900 am Accelerator Shake without whey900-1100 am Olympic Lifting (very low volume, Bulgarian wave periodization)1100 am Post Workout (45g Protein, 30g Carbs): 300 calories200 pm Meal 1 (8 oz Chicken Breast, 2 tbsp Almond Butter, 2 cheese sticks): 600 calories500 pm Meal 2 (same as Meal 1): 600 calories530-630 pm Hypertrophy Work630 pm Post-Workout (50g Protein, 100g Carbs): 700 calories800 pm Carb-Containing Meal (aiming for about 100g protein, 200g carbs to start): 1200 calories1000 pm Cottage CheeseI will likely backload on my off day as well simply because of the volume. However, I think I understand that well enough to set up on my own





    First I would say don't go crazy about calories.Also, if you want to gain weight I'd use whey in the AM shake, but you are better off fasting till PWO for the AM training.Also, I do hope that you plan on eating a shit load more carbs at night?


    Lesli Bortz

    Maybe fattier cuts of meat at one of the earlier meals?I did read somewhere recently that cottage cheese was not ideal before may want to do a search on it. If that's your back loading then eat lots more crappy carbs. You're eating as much as I do (though I don't touch that much protein at night) and I'm 75 pounds lighter!!!



    Ya, that number is very low… I just did the prep phase and lost absolutely no weight (actually gained a pound), so I was just guessing. Then I looked back at the book. I'll probably start at about 400 and move up (recommends 80 for my weight)


    For a little perspective I'm 195 13-14% BF and when I was doing CBL I was working out once a day for 45 minutes and was backloading with 500-600g of carbs with good recomp results. With 2-a-days you should be able to manage getting away with a lot, in fact you almost need to for recovery purpose.



    Alright awesome. That's actually really helpful.I will make sure to move them up quickly as I see fit. As I'm sure you understand, there is a little bit of trepidation in switching to this program, so I may work into it a little slower than is ideal just to make sure I feel comfortable.

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Please Critique My CBL Strategy

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