More Coconut Oil Awesomeness, and PUFA’s suck

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    thanks for the reminder of why i choke down the stuff in my coffee ha



    I actually really like coconut oil during the low car days. Sometimes I'll just grab a spoonful and snack on it.I'm so glad it's healthy!


    Richard Schmitt

    Ha so saturated fats help with weight loss amazing! it's ok for the pigs though, I want more meat in my bacon >=]


    Brandon D Christ

    Hmm certainly interesting.  I wonder if the coconut oil replaced anything that was in the diet before.  It's also possible to pigs ate the coconut oil rather than the orginal feed.Has anybody on here used coconut cream?  It is essentially coconut milk, but even fattier.  I think it will mix better in coffee because I hate how coconut oil floats to the top.


    Richard Schmitt

    Hmm certainly interesting.  I wonder if the coconut oil replaced anything that was in the diet before.  It's also possible to pigs ate the coconut oil rather than the orginal feed.Has anybody on here used coconut cream?  It is essentially coconut milk, but even fattier.  I think it will mix better in coffee because I hate how coconut oil floats to the top.

    Coconut Cream? How's the carb count on that? and brand? I've only seen the canned coconut milk. I hate how it does that for me too, thus why I make the coffee all ice blended up and pour the mixture over it and eat it with a spoon.


    Brandon D Christ

    Hmm certainly interesting.  I wonder if the coconut oil replaced anything that was in the diet before.  It's also possible to pigs ate the coconut oil rather than the orginal feed.Has anybody on here used coconut cream?  It is essentially coconut milk, but even fattier.  I think it will mix better in coffee because I hate how coconut oil floats to the top.

    Coconut Cream? How's the carb count on that? and brand? I've only seen the canned coconut milk. I hate how it does that for me too, thus why I make the coffee all ice blended up and pour the mixture over it and eat it with a spoon.

    It's even lower than coconut milk.  I would say it compares to heavy whipping cream as far as carb count goes (a little bit of trace carbs).  I have never seen any in a store, but you can order it online.



    I used to buy coconut creme in holland, it´s like 6 gr. Prot. 7 gr. Carbs and 65-70 Fat. I keep it in the fridge so it has the texture of chocolate. It´s AWESOME as a topping for icecream, it´s like u bite in chocolate pieces except… well.. it tastes like coconut  ;D



    coconut cream can be found in most asian markets. I just don't like the cans they come in (due to BPA content), but it does taste magical  😛ibob, you could try mixing your coffee/milk with a blender to keep it from floating to the top maybe? I know that works with butter/coco oil.



    You can make your own coconut cream from standard coconut milk. Very simple process, in fact. Simply get a can of regular, full fat coconut milk and let it sit in the fridge for a few days. The fat will separate and thicken/harden in the cold temperature and you can just scoop it off the top.That's how I make it anyway. You can even whip it up fluffy like real whipped cream.


    Brandon D Christ

    coconut cream can be found in most asian markets. I just don't like the cans they come in (due to BPA content), but it does taste magical  😛ibob, you could try mixing your coffee/milk with a blender to keep it from floating to the top maybe? I know that works with butter/coco oil.

    I make coffee in the office.  Maybe I could use the old fashioned type blender, the one that you crank with your hand.


    Brandon D Christ

    You can make your own coconut cream from standard coconut milk. Very simple process, in fact. Simply get a can of regular, full fat coconut milk and let it sit in the fridge for a few days. The fat will separate and thicken/harden in the cold temperature and you can just scoop it off the top.That's how I make it anyway. You can even whip it up fluffy like real whipped cream.

    Something tells me it would be more cost effective just to buy it.  What do you do with the rest of coconut milk?



    I've used coconut cream, but I also just buy the coconut milk that comes in a can. It's think and creamy and mixes in shakes like a charm. The caveat, however, is that it also adds a strong coconut flavor.But, if you're using the coconut oil for the MCTs, why not go straight to the source. You can buy pure MCT oil for pretty cheap, it's liquid, it doesn't congeal and it doesn't impart any Pure MCT Oil


    Richard Schmitt

    Shoot might have consider that then, always thought that coconut oil was the best for the morning time as a healthier stand point for the increased energy, fat burning, and for the MCTs. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

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More Coconut Oil Awesomeness, and PUFA’s suck

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