Swimming and CBL

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    Swimming and CBLSwimming and CBL, what’s your take on swimming on ULC days. Any good- bad- or even ugly?Does it break down muscle to much?Goals are aesthetics, muscles, stress, and leaning out.


    I doubt it will effect much of anything, just don't do other cardio and don't train stupidly.



    Yea my training regimen is-Shoulders/ Squats (CBL)ULC SWIM? 15-20 MINSBack (CBL) ULC SWIM? 15-20 MINSChest (CBL)Arms/ Leg press/ calves/ tear drop/ (CBL)ULC SWIM? 15-20 MINSSWIMMING WILL ONLY BE TWO DAYS A WEEK AND VARY:


    I say if you enjoy it have at it.For me personally, it's hot as hell in OK right now so I'll take any chance I have to get in a pool.



    Since starting CBL I have gained some water weight, not much, but I am using creatine, and since being on CN OR CBL I have never really done any aerobics/ running/ HIIT, nothing, so maybe this will help. Think I am around:193 lbs6’0”Gained three pounds/ and strength/ muscle mass/ minor bloat. Yea I am just West in Albuquerque N.M. it’s burning up, literally.



    I love swimming as a form of active recovery, just take it easy. It's not like muscle is waiting to fall off folks. Besides if you're doing CBL correctly you shouldn't be in a caloric defecit so it would be REALLY hard to lose muscle from swimming. If you want to swim go for it  8)

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Swimming and CBL

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