Carb loading during upcoming fasting month

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    Hello all,Is it possible to follow carb backloading program during the month of ramadan?  Basically we need to abstain from eating ,drinking etc from dawn (5am) to sunset (8pm). On my workout days I was goint to start off with having a cup or two of coffee with coconut oil and 10 g whey at  around 5 am and then around 8pm eat a carb loaded meal with a hypertrophic potentiator shake and with a workout planned later around 10ish. After the workout have an another hypertrophic shake with some carbs. Can someone critiique this ? Or is it better to forgo the back loading plan during the fasting month and just to start back over with a prep phase after the month is over. Im 185lb.Any help greatly appreciated.Thanks.



    i doubt you'd get enough calories without eating some real food in the morning. it's not ideal to eat that early, but if you need to fast, that's just something you'll have to put up with for a month. As for the workout, you might do better without carbs pre. I'll let others comment.



    I think that this is doable. Not easy by any stretch but certainly doable. In fact, it's not terribly dissimilar to a warrior diet style of eating. If it were me, I'd start my training around 630 or 7, depending on how long it takes you in the gym, then, as soon as 8 rolls around, have a HUGE post workout shake then cram whatever food and carbs I can until whenever you go to bed. In this situation you will really need to rely on the junk to get the calories and carbs in but...I doubt that would be torture.As an aside, you may want to modify your training a bit. When I have trained fasted in the past I found that my strength was good but my endurance was utter shit. Anything over 3 reps was awful. I did lots of 10-15x3 with relatively short rest. For what that's worth.

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Carb loading during upcoming fasting month

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