Charles Poliquin on low carb nutrition

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    In a T Nation article (linked below), Charles Poliquin says that “There are many advantages to low-carb nutrition; that's why I tend to use it with about 75% of my clients. But it's not for everybody. Some genotypes do very poorly on it, and the extent of how badly they do on it is a function of the time they're on it.”In Kiefer's 'About the Author' piece on this website, he (I'm presuming he wrote the piece, but I could be wrong) refers to Poliquin as representing a gold standard in this field.I have not been able to find any articles in which Poliquin elaborates on the above comment. I would be interested to learn more on his thoughts on eating to genotype if anyone knows where such writings might exist?Also, in general, any thoughts on this? Could this explain why some people struggle to see results on the CNS? I'd be interested to hear what Kiefer thinks, especially since he obviously respects Poliquin.Thanks.



    Nice user name, loved that film



    Ha, ha, ha, thanks.  😉



    Surprised nobody has any thoughts on this. Is it just a load of BS?



    A called Jamie Lewis at the site talks a lot about metabolic typing. Specifically, how some people do better higher protein vs. higher carb vs. higher fat.Would definitely like to know if Kiefer has observed this in any of his clients.



    I think it's largely BS other than perhaps the differences between sexes. I'm pretty sure I've heard Kiefer and others say women tend to do better with fewer carbs.I'd bet the main difference on whether Poliquin uses low carb approach or high carb is due to each client's leanness or training volume/intensity/modality. Lean people tend to tolerate carbs better while people who need to lose fat will accomplish it quicker with a low carb approach.Metabolic 'typing' is a load of BS, covered on the podcast here, where biochemist Mat Lalonde relates how he searched in the literature to find any sort of scientifc basis for the method of determining one's 'type.' Transcript and podcast: the transcript:

    So, they’re just proposing challenging the body with any kind of substance and looking at how this affects the blood pH and that’s what determines your metabolic type. And this patent had nothing to say about, well, if your metabolic type is this, you need to eat this way. So, I started looking on the Web, and all I found were surveys, and to take most of the surveys, you had to pay. So, this looks like a total money-making scheme. I highly recommend that you go on Wikipedia and look up “metabolic type” to see what you’ll find. A lot of schemes there. So, I eventually wound up on a few of the websites, and their survey is like: What did you eat for breakfast, and how does that make you feel? And if you had to eat something for breakfast, what would it be? And then they repeat the same thing for lunch and for dinner, and then they tell you: Oh, you’re like a veggie type. Or a mixed type. Or a protein type. And then they give you a meal plan, but there is absolutely no mechanism, no biochemistry.

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Charles Poliquin on low carb nutrition

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