caffeine during BL

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  • #2565


    Is it ok to drink coffee during your evening backloads after the post workout drink?  I am staying up late for the UFC fight tonight and need a little extra caffeine to stay awake.



    Main event's over.  No one answered your question 😛


    Jeffrey Hansen

    For back loading it should be fine, the caffeine helps repress the fat cells trying to get involved in  the mass carb feast according to Kiefer in his propane fitness interview. (my summary of his words)



    Is it ok to drink coffee during your evening backloads after the post workout drink?  I am staying up late for the UFC fight tonight and need a little extra caffeine to stay awake.

    For back loading it should be fine, the caffeine helps repress the fat cells trying to get involved in  the mass carb feast according to Kiefer in his propane fitness interview. (my summary of his words)

    I think it would actually be advantageous to do so, and I've considered doing it (I've done it when I've used sushi for backloading). But where I'm coming from is that Kiefer in the book mentions as he describes how caffeine should be applied to a "hypertrophic shake" that caffeine helps aid the displacement of glycogen. So I think this would help the insulinogenic process of a backload in bringing carbohydrate to muscle

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caffeine during BL

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