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    So… on Saturday morning, I cracked 3 eggs for my first meal.  One of them had a strange, off-white, hard, curled, mollusk-shell-looking thing floating in the whites, with the yolk.I pulled it out, and tossed it out the window.  It had weight to it!The egg smelled fine, so did the odd thing (yes, I sniffed it).  So, I ate the egg anyway.It is Monday morning, and I am still alive.  ;DI still want to know WHAT THE F--K that thing was, though.  They were organic large eggs, from Whole Foods Market.Cory



    Probably the chick starting to develope. Pretty disgusting.


    LOL, ya GOTTA sniff it to be sure!



    I got my $ on it was a chicken, you found it in a chicken egg right?  up im betting chicken



    oh man thats where i get my eggs, and i was already a little weird about brown eggs, gonna try to not get grossed out when i have my daily omlette, comedy!


    LOL, ya GOTTA sniff it to be sure!

    Always.  LOL.  I always put strange $h1t to my nose for final confirmation.I must admit, I didn't try to lick it / taste it.  Look, feel and smell were sufficient.  Out the window it went (and I heard it smack into the concrete -- told you it had weight).Cory


    Yes, chicken egg.And, I always buy my eggs from Whole Foods.  In YEARS of shopping there, buying 1-2 cartons a week, this is the first time this has happened.Cory



    immaculate conception of the lord chicken saviour aborted!



    So there is a little farmer's stand in my town that I shop at sometimes, and they sell these ginmorous eggs.  I bought a dozen once, except there dozen is 15.  Out of the 15 eggs, one was single yolk, 13 were double yolk, and one was triple yolk!!!!!  Freaked me out.  Though not as much as what you found in your egg.  Nas-ty.  Come to think of it, I think people here are going to be jealous of the ginormous double yolked eggs I can go buy. 


    So there is a little farmer's stand in my town that I shop at sometimes, and they sell these ginmorous eggs.  I bought a dozen once, except there dozen is 15.  Out of the 15 eggs, one was single yolk, 13 were double yolk, and one was triple yolk!!!!!  Freaked me out.  Though not as much as what you found in your egg.  Nas-ty.  Come to think of it, I think people here are going to be jealous of the ginormous double yolked eggs I can go buy.

    Would love to see the nutritional info on those bad boys! Freaked out, but intrigued!



    Yes, chicken egg.And, I always buy my eggs from Whole Foods.  In YEARS of shopping there, buying 1-2 cartons a week, this is the first time this has happened.Cory

    Could be Balut... ahh, never mind, balut is duck!  I haven't seen anything solid in my eggs but I have had ones with blood in it before.  That's pretty gross too!



    So there is a little farmer's stand in my town that I shop at sometimes, and they sell these ginmorous eggs.  I bought a dozen once, except there dozen is 15.  Out of the 15 eggs, one was single yolk, 13 were double yolk, and one was triple yolk!!!!!  Freaked me out.  Though not as much as what you found in your egg.  Nas-ty.  Come to think of it, I think people here are going to be jealous of the ginormous double yolked eggs I can go buy.

    fucking right im jealous



    Hmmm, I have backyard laying hens. Their eggs are much tougher and have a much hardier membrane than any store bought egg. Also even though there is no rooster, they do sometimes have a speck of blood in the white. I dunno why. I suspect you did get a fertilized egg though. They are said to be much more nutritious. Lucky.


    Blood specks in my eggs are common.  I don't think much of that, anymore.The hard, quarter-sized off-white mollusk thing freaked the $h1t out of me... but, it didn't prevent consumption of said egg (minus the growth).It passed the sniff test.Cory


    Hmmm, I have backyard laying hens. Their eggs are much tougher and have a much hardier membrane than any store bought egg. Also even though there is no rooster, they do sometimes have a speck of blood in the white. I dunno why. I suspect you did get a fertilized egg though. They are said to be much more nutritious. Lucky.

    Yes.  Fertilized eggs are high in IGF-1 and various growth hormones.  As a bodybuilder, if that was the case, I hit gold in that egg.Cory

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