Pysllium Husk

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    I was thinking about adding some of this to my daily routine for general colon health and keeping me regular. I'm 242lbs and eat a lot, even during the ULC periods. Does anyone else use this? Adverse effects? I still am trying to see the nutrient facts and whether they would fit the CNS program anyway.This was the top review for the product on AMAZON......"If you don't poop enough, and would like to poop more, this is for you. Personally, I mix it with chocolate whey powder and milk - 1/4 cup of this, 1/4 cup of whey, and a cup of 2% milk, and the next morning, I poop a single, two-foot long log of supreme quality. There's not much more to say."If this is CNS friendly, that review sold me on it!



    I would try it, why not. I was taking probiotics in the carb nite system, to regulate the flora in my GUT, probiotics work wonders. Try it for a few weeks and see how you feel, weight loss is the obvious goal if it hinders that then store it in the cupboard until you start back-loading.



    yeah I'll buy some, I use probiotics as well, I stopped having stomach pains during and after carbnites, probably because my food was getting processed correctly. If the guy that wrote the review ever wonders why his crap is 2' serving is a TABLE SPOON......not a 1/4 of a cup, hahaha!!


    Brandon D Christ

    Psyllium husk is great.  I used to not use it and I was not having good BMs, despite the fact I was eating a lot of fat and veggies.

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Pysllium Husk

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