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    I am a big fan of Dan John. He has such a long history in the fitness industry and he writes really well. His partnerships with Pavel at have been great.However he has this other range of products that are stand alone from his RKC works. His book "never let go" was great and I still re-read it regularly. I am about to start his bulking program from "Mass Made Simple" it is $10 in kindle format and after reading it I thought I just had to give it a go!I will however be using CBL as the nutrition protocol, instead of Dan's setup. His nutrition ideas were basically what I used to prepare for my bodybuilding comp 5 years back, so I know it works for adding lean mass but I know CBL is much effective.I have been doing a range of different things lately and just need a program to follow. This is only 6 weeks and will hopefully bring some good results?



    Good luck! You have a great handle on the CBL/CNS thing so I'm sure you'll see great results!


    Richard Schmitt

    Oh yeah good luck! Looking forward to seeing how it will turn outSent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk



    I am starting Mass Made Simple with CBL Monday at the end of my prep phase. Do you plan on back loading 7 days a week?



    Good luck man, it would be good to hear if things go well to know there are options out there worth trying just to change up training protocols once in a while.



    I done this program a while back and must say it will put hair on your chest. It's a great program in many ways.  The intensity will give some a shock.  Especially those who have been on 'auto pilot' with regards to working out. 



    I done this program a while back and must say it will put hair on your chest. It's a great program in many ways.  The intensity will give some a shock.  Especially those who have been on 'auto pilot' with regards to working out.

    +1The program only has you training 5 days a fortnight so I will be backloading only on training days to start and adjust depending on how I am feeling recovering etc?



    Can you explain the program a bit and your “Keys” to success with you and your clients use of CBL.  Thanks



    The program is only $10 in kindle format at amazon. As for my "keys" to success it really depends on my clients and their goals.The main points I focus on is keeping the ULC portion of the day super simple so bacon and steak with a fibrous veg for lunch protein shake 30mins before training and then a shake with carbs after training (all of my clients train really early or in the afternoon!)Then during CBL Time (5pm onwards) I have them start with just a few options, so 3-4 different carb heavy foods and add to this as necessary.The 4 choices I suggest they start with are white rice, potato, sweet potato and gluten free baked desserts.Once they start seeing results it is then easier to see if they eat other stuff if it is working or not



    I am curious on your thoughts on the Shockwave Protocol.  My main goal is losing body fat.



    Shockwave works, it is a very solid program and I like the plan. It has lots of aspects that are most important to get results.It makes you work heavy, it stimulates and builds, doesn't tear you down and it's focus is on the big movements with enough accessory work. People seem to think that fat loss means you have to train differently to other goals? This is so far from the truth. You want to stimulate as much muscle as possible regardless of the goal as this assists in the process of keeping that muscle.If fat loss is your goal then SW will work great as will nearly any sensible training protocol as it is nutrition that drives fat loss not training. So pick either CNS or CBL and let them manage your fat loss. SW is specifically aimed to work with either to achieve fat loss!Kiefer knows his stuff and there are heaps of people achieving great results using SW and either protocol!


    Richard Schmitt

    I really second the SW. Doing it without making any modifications to it, you will see results. Going into my 3rd week and I'm enjoying the trip



    I have two clients doing shockwave with CBL and they are both getting great results. Assessing their carb tolerances is literally the hardest thing I have to do for them but at the same time is still super easy. Well.. That and convincing them that the diet works after years of bullshit nutrition has been crammed in their brains.

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