Not eating any REAL food during the ULC phase during the day…

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    I honestly have no problem having the AM accelerator shake and maybe 1-2 more whey isolate shakes (protein around 10g) and maybe another tbsp of Coconut oil with a shake around 1 pm, with some creatine and fish oil pills throughout the day, and not having any real food until 6pm at night.  Is there any detriment to this?I just really try to prolong the ketogensis Keifer talks about in his book, and every research paper shows that you can go 36 hours without food before it really starts to affect your metabolism negatively, so I don't see why it would hurt as long as my workouts don't suffer.  I make sure to have 30-40g of malto about 15-30 mins post workout.I usually back load hard and eat until full and stop about 10 pm, heavy on carbs with adequate protein.  This window being so small allows me to really not care about portion control at all and go to bed fat and happy.  I wake up lean, which I have seen most moderators indicate success in feeling out the back load, but I am no expert.Trying to maximize.  Thanks in advance for any input!



    whats ur goal?



    My goal is steady fat loss while gaining some muscle in lagging areas I have neglected to train properly (back and glutes/hams).  I see the point during the day is to allow the body to use fat as fuel and not interrupt that process and then use carbs as a recovery tool for after your workouts.So if fat loss can be maximized by your body turning to fat to the primary energy source for as long as possible, I will try to prolong for as long as I am able.  I use the carbs simply as a means to aid recovery/growth so the muscle cells can soak up anything they need to grow, and the book states that it doesn't really inhibit fat loss the following day.  If anything fat loss is amplified via the EPOC from the prior workout, according to research(or at least my understnding of it).  And of course adding muscle helps that as well.I am throwing my situation out in case anyone who has expertise can say 'your method won't work for X reason" or "you are really going to stall your results due to X reason".  I could be very wrong in my approach, I just am too ignorant in this area due to my inexperience.Forgive me if my reply is too verbose, I'm just trying to get all my thoughts out there.



    sounds good for me then… if you decide density bulking in the future, i would add some real food but for your goals it should be work 🙂 i would fast 12 hours and add 10-15 gr whey/coconut fat each 2-3 hours till evening then



    Actually I'm kind of planning to do the same after my vacation. For me it's way easier just to have shakes/supps during the ULC part of the day since I tend to overeat/not control myself.I'd add the fishoil in the backload since you don't want to "waste" it as energy.


    Richard Schmitt

    Honestly that would probably be very legit way to go about doing CBL SA. Just would get very boring very quick. Monitor progress and see how it goes from there. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk


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Not eating any REAL food during the ULC phase during the day…

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