High glycemic cancel low glycemic?

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    Does eating a lot of high glycemic carbs cancel the affects of eating some low glycemic carbs? In other words, if I am going to a cook out and all they have is whole wheat buns for the burgers, would washing them down with a bunch of junk food cookies cancel the slow burning insulin response that low glycemic carbs create?


    Richard Schmitt

    Uhh anyway of eating without the bun and indulge in something else?Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk



    Does eating a lot of high glycemic carbs cancel the affects of eating some low glycemic carbs? In other words, if I am going to a cook out and all they have is whole wheat buns for the burgers, would washing them down with a bunch of junk food cookies cancel the slow burning insulin response that low glycemic carbs create?

    If your trying to backload then (2) 29g carb Buns aren't exactly a big deal, in my opinion, Considering you probably have another 300g+ carbs to eat.  Go gets some simple carbs to accompany your meal.

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High glycemic cancel low glycemic?

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