My Training Schedule and Backloading Days

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    I follow the 5/3/1 routine in the weightroom + do some field work (for football)I do not plan to bulk, just do a recomposition maintaining my weight (or even dropping it)Monday  - Upper Body (Lighter) - Dynamic Bench Press, Millitary Press, Dips, ChinsTuesday - Lower Body - Deadlifts or Heavy Tire Flips, Prowler Runs, Unilateral Leg LiftsWednesday - Upper Body (Heavy) - Heavy Bench Press, Chins, Dips, DB RowsThursday - Core (Med Balls, Boxing Bag, Sandbags)Friday - Heavy Lower Body - Power Cleans, SquatsSaturday - OFFSunday - Linear Speed Practice (Sprints, distances from 10 to 40 yards)So my question is: should I backload only during lifting days (Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri)? Or aslo after Core training and the night before Linear Speed Practice (maybe some lighter, cleaner backloads then) ?Thanks for your time and answers!


    Richard Schmitt

    Are these morning or evening times?



    Sorry, i forgot to mention.Only Linear Speed is done around 11 A.M.The rest of the practices start at 5:30 P.M.


    Richard Schmitt

    Sorry, i forgot to mention.Only Linear Speed is done around 11 A.M.The rest of the practices start at 5:30 P.M.

    Oh shoot ok cool, do the Linear Speeds without a backload, but do it fasted. Maybe fill up on coffee if truly needed. Monday-Depending how "light" the weight is for Bench then could deem a backload.Tuesday-If doing Deadlifts, by all means enjoy yourself because it should be heavy, tire lifts maybe if worked like doing heavy session.Wednesday-Yes since it's heavy upperThursday-No backloadFriday-Yes since it's heavy, do enough for the ULC weeked.Saturday and Sunday- ULC Entire dayGood luck to you sir



    Monday is Dynamic Bench but Heavy Shoulders, so i figure i'll backload, maybe just a little cleaner.Ok thanks for your advice! Just wasn't sure about Core and Linear Speed days.



    I follow the 5/3/1 routine in the weightroom + do some field work (for football)I do not plan to bulk, just do a recomposition maintaining my weight (or even dropping it)Monday  - Upper Body (Lighter) - Dynamic Bench Press, Millitary Press, Dips, ChinsTuesday - Lower Body - Deadlifts or Heavy Tire Flips, Prowler Runs, Unilateral Leg LiftsWednesday - Upper Body (Heavy) - Heavy Bench Press, Chins, Dips, DB RowsThursday - Core (Med Balls, Boxing Bag, Sandbags)Friday - Heavy Lower Body - Power Cleans, SquatsSaturday - OFFSunday - Linear Speed Practice (Sprints, distances from 10 to 40 yards)So my question is: should I backload only during lifting days (Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri)? Or aslo after Core training and the night before Linear Speed Practice (maybe some lighter, cleaner backloads then) ?Thanks for your time and answers!

    Personally, anytime you are lifting really heavy/low reps or lifting a bodypart to failure for that matter, it should qualify you to backload.  Even high rep sets with maximal effort (explosiveness) should Stimulate GLUT-4. Core training i wouldn't back load, assuming you are doing more of a strength accumulation and you want to maintain weight (or even drop BF)how are your shoulders handling all that work?  just curious

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My Training Schedule and Backloading Days

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