Reorientation or more time

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    How many people do the reorientation period over when you hit the wall?  I'm into my third week of CNS and feel great, but don't feel like the fat is starting to come off.  I know the scale is not a friend but seems to have come down close to 5lbs since I started.  I've had 3 Carb Nite's to date, but not sure if I'm in full ketosis (consistently test negative with ketostix).  I'm wondering if I should extend the period between Carb Nites to maybe 6 or 7 or start the reorientation period over knowing what I've learned here as of late?    I've recently started to incorporate HIIT into my program.  HIIT Mon/ThurLifting Tues/Wed/Sat    Friday OffSunday walkingShould I lay off the working out?  Typical Diet is as follows:wakeworkout8-10 Coffee w/HWC, Coconut Oil and Sweat Leaf(stevia)  - very good by the wayIf its a Lifting day I'll likely drink (Designer Whey Protein afterwards then the coffee)10:302 hard boiled eggs w/4-8 strips of baconLunchTypically a salad w/beef or chicken (ranch dressing or caesar)SnackMozzarella string cheese and/or Pepperoni chipsDinnerBeef w/cheddar cheeseSnacksBacon and cheddar cheesePumpkin Seeds/Sunflower seedsI'm still very motivated and optimistic so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 


    Richard Schmitt

    Seeds are not optimal for CNS or CBL just stick to beef, bacon, eggs, butter, ghee, coconut oil. Yes extend the CN to 7 days and monitor from there. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk



    Ketogenesis is the only thing you really need to be in and is not measurable by urine sticks.  Ketosis is just an over production of ketones that are unused and urinated out of the body.  If you are following the diet you should be fine and don't  need to redo the prep phase.  Some folks just don't produce an excess of ketones, especially if you have a history of low carb dieting.  Also, being very well hydrated can cause a false negative on those strips.  If your urine is practically clear the ketones will be too diluted to register a positive result.   


    Tanner Fox

    Kiefer has stated if someone has stalled the first thing he takes out is the cheese.  You might want to try that to start…



    Is the sugar amount in beef jerky something I should be worried about?  Cheese was a staple snack for me so now I'm looking at jerky.  I'm eating bacon I cooked the night before at the moment but this won't always be available. 



    I wouldnt make beef jerky a staple on a ULC diet.



    Kiefer has stated if someone has stalled the first thing he takes out is the cheese.  You might want to try that to start...

    +1 and fry the eggs.



    I'm doing reorientation/prep phase again, I think it is beneficial, especially when you are trying to take a break from any intense exercise after lifting something like 3+ (and up and beyond 8 ) weeks, and are feeling burnt out. The reorientation is a great idea, as cortisol will be elevated for at least several days after lifting that long as I had mentioned, and when cortisol is present- fat cells have a great ability to regain in mass and propagate upon absorption of carbs combined with that of insulin's anabolic activity. So time off with reorientation will allow you to continue progress while normalizing your hormonal activity

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Reorientation or more time

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