Dave Asprey on ABC

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    Damon Amato

    Anyone see the segment about Dave Asprey and taking Provigil?  Nevermind the drug, holy skinny fat batman!http://abcnews.go.com/watch/nightline/SH5584743/VD55219806/nightline-717-provigil-the-secret-success-drug



    impossible he drinks bulletproof coffee every morning!



    Ha! Does anyone else think he's just a tool w/ something to sell? All he talks about in his podcasts is how he has a 6 pack and eats handfuls of butter and doesn't work out. That little nightline spot would beg to differ (except the not working out part). I'm right there w/ you d$$$. It's like sheesh man, go lift something heavy.


    Joseph Conti

    Ha! Does anyone else think he's just a tool w/ something to sell? All he talks about in his podcasts is how he has a 6 pack and eats handfuls of butter and doesn't work out. That little nightline spot would beg to differ (except the not working out part). I'm right there w/ you d$$$. It's like sheesh man, go lift something heavy.

    Agree. I keep reading his website to see if there is any real, useful information; however, it is so damn hard to sift through his bullshit and products. Doesn't work as hard as Kiefer, imo.



    LOL come on guys, he doesnt look all that bad considering he used to weigh like 300 lbs. He would definitely look better if he worked out, sure, but ya know, I guess he's trying to prove something about diet.


    Lasse Elsbak

    The video is only available in the US. Any screenshots? 😛



    “You appear to be outside the United States or its territories. Due to international rights agreements, we only offer this video to viewers located within the United States and its territories.”-.-



    I agree, he is a bit of a tool, but it was through him that I discovered Kiefer and DH so I thank him for that!I listen to his podcasts, and for the most part they keep me entertained.  Every now and again there is a snippet of something that spikes my interest which I follow up on but nothing more than that.  And I just realised his sidekick on the show is 17 or so years old!



    And I just realised his sidekick on the show is 17 or so years old!

    Yea that creeped me out a bit when I found that out haha.




    Ha! Does anyone else think he's just a tool w/ something to sell? All he talks about in his podcasts is how he has a 6 pack and eats handfuls of butter and doesn't work out. That little nightline spot would beg to differ (except the not working out part). I'm right there w/ you d$$$. It's like sheesh man, go lift something heavy.

    You honestly think he's a tool?  The guy makes no money from his blog (in fact he loses money), he provides free information week after week regardless of whether or not you buy anything from him, he provides non-affiliate links to every product that he hasn't made himself, and half of the population on the DH Forums wouldn't even be here if Kiefer wasn't on his podcast.Say what you want about how he comes across (and how his little sidekick adds absolutely no value to the show), about the stupid big deal he makes about having a six-pack when he also won't even respond to questions about his lifting numbers, the fact that he trumpets around not exercising which his idiot followers seem to have embraces, but in the grand scheme of things, the guy's pretty fucking awesome in my book. -Adam



    Ha! Does anyone else think he's just a tool w/ something to sell? All he talks about in his podcasts is how he has a 6 pack and eats handfuls of butter and doesn't work out. That little nightline spot would beg to differ (except the not working out part). I'm right there w/ you d$$$. It's like sheesh man, go lift something heavy.

    You honestly think he's a tool?  The guy makes no money from his blog (in fact he loses money), he provides free information week after week regardless of whether or not you buy anything from him, he provides non-affiliate links to every product that he hasn't made himself, and half of the population on the DH Forums wouldn't even be here if Kiefer wasn't on his podcast.Say what you want about how he comes across (and how his little sidekick adds absolutely no value to the show), about the stupid big deal he makes about having a six-pack when he also won't even respond to questions about his lifting numbers, the fact that he trumpets around not exercising which his idiot followers seem to have embraces, but in the grand scheme of things, the guy's pretty fucking awesome in my book. -Adam

    Eh, to each his own.

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Dave Asprey on ABC

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