Sleep Cycle and CBL

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    Hey what's up, I was wondering whether taking a nap throughout the day or having a more broken sleep cycle impact the effect of backloading.


    Lasse Elsbak

    A messed up sleep cycle will mess up CBL, a nap won't.


    Richard Schmitt

    A messed up sleep cycle will mess up CBL, a nap won't.

    +1 nap it up, just make sure to sleep well enough during the night.


    I see this post hasn't been responded to since July but I figured it would make more sense to restart it then make a new one….I am still a few month's away from going on to CBL from CN but I was wondering if your sleep cycle isn't consistent will it hurt the results of CBL? For instances the nights I work both of my jobs I average 5-6 hours of sleep and a very rare occasion I only get 4 hrs. On nights I would work my day job I average 7-9 hours and same with off days.  Would this hurt progress or hurt the entire program? Would it make more sense to go to 2 carb nites during the week instead with this type of sleep cycle? Thanks.


    Anyone have any input?


    I also have a pretty shitty sleep schedule too. Been backloading for about 6 months now but haven't seen a whole lot of progress. Wondering if sleep is a factor.



    When doing CBL, if you are going to take a nap, do it in a room with a window so that your body knows it's still day time. I know this sounds weird, but napping in a dark room could possibly throw you off.

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Sleep Cycle and CBL

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