2 questions after last biojacked

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    http://dangerouslyhardcore.com/forum/index.php?topic=3180.01. I am super- intrigued by the high-volume traning and increasing the numbers of nuclei, can anyone post a research or maybe... bigger article on main page, Kief?2. There is some discussion about carbs before workout, John talks about eating carbs before workout, and Kiefer does not say a word, that CBL main principle is NO carbs until after workout, only said that he in some cases recomends introducing carbs 15 after start of workout. So, how is that now? Should we eat them before, or not?



    Can't speak for the first question, but for the second here's my $0.02Just because meadows sees success with pre-workout carbs doesn't mean he wouldn't see better results without them. Also meadows is fucking huge, and most likely on....something (not judging, just asuming here. Could be wrong.), so I think he can basically do what he feels at this point. What meadows is doing is what kiefer basically does for people training late in that night, due to not enough time to get in carbs. Perhaps meadow's is so large+lean that although he doesn't train that late (6pm i believe he said) he still needs to start the carbs early in order to get enough in before going to bed. Meadow's trains like a bull on meth, so perhaps he can get away with it. Possible=Optimal, I highly doubt Kiefer will change his rx's based on meadows success. Remember theirs still people getting ripped on 6 high-carb meals a day. Just caue it works doesn't mean it's less stupid  😉



    kay, thanksKiefer - anything on 1.?

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2 questions after last biojacked

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