High frequency training and eating carbs all day

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    I know CBL works from the glut-4 sensitivity in the post-workout window, so I was wondering how this could be applied to people who train with high frequency (multiple training sessions daily) such as olympic lifters. Just as a hypothetical question, if someone (with remarkable recovery capacity) were able to train frequently throughout the day, would this person be able to simply eat carbs all day to achieve the same effect that CBL produces?


    Lasse Elsbak

    Doubtful imo,since CBL relies on circadian rythms as well. Eating carbs all day is just a normal diet 😛


    Brandon D Christ

    I know CBL works from the glut-4 sensitivity in the post-workout window, so I was wondering how this could be applied to people who train with high frequency (multiple training sessions daily) such as olympic lifters. Just as a hypothetical question, if someone (with remarkable recovery capacity) were able to train frequently throughout the day, would this person be able to simply eat carbs all day to achieve the same effect that CBL produces?

    Depends what you mean by all day.  If you mean literally carbs whenever you feel like it then no.  I would imagine though that if had two sessions you could have a mini backload after your first session and have a full backload after your second session.  This probably would be ok from a performance standpoint, but I doubt this would be a good fat loss approach.



    Great topic! Check here too, maybe we can get some good thoughts on ithttp://dangerouslyhardcore.com/forum/index.php?topic=3614.0

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High frequency training and eating carbs all day

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