Casein protein

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    Just wondering if casein protein is ok to take as a last meal before bed in the prep phase. I would like to be able to mix it with my cottage cheese for flavor. Reply would be much appreciated. Thanks. Thomas



    Sure it is. Maybe even add some dextrose to it to get an insulin peak before sleeping.


    Lasse Elsbak

    Casein is fine.I'd wait with the dextrose until after the prep phase though 🙂


    Brandon D Christ

    Just wondering if casein protein is ok to take as a last meal before bed in the prep phase. I would like to be able to mix it with my cottage cheese for flavor. Reply would be much appreciated. Thanks. Thomas

    Add a little fat.  Nuts or even peanut butter?



    Casein is fine.I'd wait with the dextrose until after the prep phase though 🙂

    Totally right. Forgot that OP was talking about the prep phase...



    Excellent, half a scoop or less should drastically improve the flavor of cottage cheese. I'm interested about peanut butter though as I was told it is a plant food and to avoid it. Keifer mentions eating almonds though so would natural peanut butter or almond butter be ok? I have braces so crunchy stuff is difficult to eat. Thanks again everyone, Thomas


    Brandon D Christ

    Excellent, half a scoop or less should drastically improve the flavor of cottage cheese. I'm interested about peanut butter though as I was told it is a plant food and to avoid it. Keifer mentions eating almonds though so would natural peanut butter or almond butter be ok? I have braces so crunchy stuff is difficult to eat. Thanks again everyone, Thomas

    From a health perspective, avoid it, but a little bit of it isn't going to kill you.  An animal fat option would be cream.



    Is casein ok to take during ULC?  I thought due to the leucine content that the GI would be too high, although it is very slow-digesting.


    Richard Schmitt

    Is casein ok to take during ULC?  I thought due to the leucine content that the GI would be too high, although it is very slow-digesting.

    No casein is not good to take during the ULC part of the day.



    why not?



    I was under the impression the original question was not necessarily about a backloading night.  So if you can't have it during ULC, how can you have it at the end of the night unless your backloading?

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Casein protein

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