Food choices while on CBL pre phase

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    Just wondering if a good rule to go by is—> as long as its low carb high fat, then it's a good choice? For example hellman's mayo. Something tells me that might mess with anInsulin spike. Any feed back and suggestions would be great thanks.



    Animal fats would be better. Fatty beefWhole eggsBaconFatty fishMore baconThe exception to the animal fats rule is coconut oil.


    Igor Vidovic

    More baconAnd some more bacon

    training log



    Anybody know how hellman's mayo with added olive oil would work? Is that something that would not work on the ultra low carb part of the day. Tablespoon 100 cal, 11 grams of fat and no carbs.


    It would work, but it's still not gonna be the greatest.I'd go ahead and use it if you want, but remember, animal fats and coconut oil should be your main source of fat.



    Does olive oil work better or somewhat as good as coconut oil?


    Igor Vidovic

    Unfortunately it does not. Coconut oil is the only exception besides animals fats that you want to have in your diet

    training log



    I'm 5 days into my prep phase and while I've done really well so far with keeping the carbs super low, I've had a couple of hiccups.  Yesterday for instance, I had a little balsamic vinegar (not even a tablespoon) on some spinach that I ate with a lean burger.  I'm very regimented with my diet and I get pretty stressed about even small things like that, so I'm just curious if little things like that can derail my prep phase.



    You're fine. Less than a tablespoon of balsamic is probably <1g of carb. As a general rule focus on getting the fat in from animal sources and don't think about too much else and you'll be fine.



    Yeah my big struggle thus far is to stop trying to count everything so carefully.  I'm so used to eating about .5g of fat per lb. of body weight that it's tough to fit more fat in.  I'm loving the bacon though, and the AM accelerator formula is delicious.  The coconut oil is an excellent addition.

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Food choices while on CBL pre phase

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