PT Certification

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    What certification do y'all recommend? I'd like to start training people part time. No idea which one to take or what the differences are.


    Damon Amato

    None are really worth the paper they are printed on, but the most recognizable would be to get your CSCS.



    I agree with Damon. Most of the certs out there do nothing more than enforce and promote policy instead of science. And some certs have even signed deals with soda companies for sponsorship and suddenly became vague about their position on soda. Others, deciding that CrossFit is worth cashing in on, made anti-research recommendations for training to attract the CrossFit crowd. I actually let my NSCA certification lapse this year because I felt like I a hypocrite supporting an organization that, despite their knowledge of the research, continue to stick with 6-decade old, incorrect recommendations for exercise and nutrition.



    alright thanks for the replies. I'll be going with CSCS then. I know a cert doesn't really mean anything, but it just seems like it would be easier to get clients and have gyms allow me to train there.



    so for the CSCS i already have to have a 4 year degree?

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PT Certification

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