all ive got is 300 carbs

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    … im 250 lbs and all ive ate is 300 carbs .. and i feel like ima explode :-



    If your shooting for more — less whole protein - more powdermore high gi carb powder - rilose, dextrose etc basically more shakes


    You have to learn the carbs the work.On leg day I backload with the most carbs of any day, nearly 700g. The only way I ever manage to get it is ice cream.


    i did shoulders and traps but im switching my routine so that i dead lifts fridays from now on…  i actually managed to choke down a few donuts letting me hit that 400 mark..  but weightin 250 arent u supposed to get like atleast 500 in


    On carb nite it's less about a number and more about eating all you can.But yeah, that's a pretty small amount.How long did you leave yourself and what did you eat?


    i had a shake bout 7… pizza 8 , two pieces ice cream cake , cinnamon bun then bout midnight 2 donuts and i was out cold shortly after


    Damon Amato

    i did shoulders and traps but im switching my routine so that i dead lifts fridays from now on...  i actually managed to choke down a few donuts letting me hit that 400 mark..  but weightin 250 arent u supposed to get like atleast 500 in

    I feel SO bad for you.


    Lesli Bortz

    I find it freakishly easy to get a lot of carbs down…I did find chewy spree's which are: Dextrose , Maltodextrin , Corn Syrup , Hydrogenated Coconut OilEasy to get 100 carbs from them...of course the chewing part can make your jaw a little sore adding shakes may be the best way to get it all in. If you do end up switching to CBL SA then having multiple carb nights might be easier as I don't THINK you need to go hog wild every single night.



    cut out gluten (or at least limit it in the beginning) of your next carb nite. See how that goes



    I can usually down 8 chocolate covered donuts in one go… Then rest for a while and go at it again if more carbs are needed.


    first meal was steak with corn and rice… feelin good feelin hungry

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all ive got is 300 carbs

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