Weird Pain under belly button?

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    Nicholas Alonzo

    I just thought I would post this question here to see if anyone has an answer before i go to the doctor.
    I feel this weird tugging sensation underneath my belly button and it radiates down in a string like fashion.
    It doesn’t necessarily “hurt” but its annoying I can’t focus on anything.
    I tried googling an answer but I got answers ranging from a UTI to a hernia
    Anyone else experience this?


    Brandon D Christ

    You are probably fine. Go to the doctors if you want to be checked out, but looking up symptoms on the internet will turn you into a hypochondriac.


    Melvin McLain

    Absolutely DO NOT LIFT until it feels normal, or until you are cleared by a doctor.

    An abdominal hernia in the belly button region can be a nightmare.

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Weird Pain under belly button?

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