First backload is tomorrow, how should I space my meals?

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    I'm doing DB.  I'll be hitting the gym at around 4pm.  I'll be training fasted and should finish by about 5:30pm.  I'll aim to get my PWO shake at about 6.  That'll be 1-2 scoops of whey, 2 scoops of maltodextrin and some creatine.  I've still got a bunch of glutamine that I could throw in there too.  The rest of my choices may not be ideal for each backload but I've been craving them bigtime so I'm going for it for this one.  I'll order a pepperoni pizza while I have my PWO shake.  I've also gotten my wife to make a cheesecake and we're going to make some turnovers tomorrow as well.  We've got plenty of cereals and ice cream and other crap that I'd normally never eat too.  Maybe it's overkill, maybe not.  Obviously I don't have to eat it all tomorrow night, but how should I space mainly the pizza, cheesecake and turnovers out? Should I have some maltodextrin before bed?



    Leave the carb/fat options to the latter part of the carb load. Following your PWO, start with the carb/protein options. I personally don't have any maltodextrin before bed… I try to stop eating 1 to 2 hours prior.


    Brandon D Christ

    You are training fasted at 4 PM and you are on Density Bulk?  I hope you have an odd sleep schedule, because that is WAY out of protocol.  Eat some pre-workout meals.As far as the spacing of the backload, it doesn't matter.  Just keep the backload under six hours.



    You are training fasted at 4 PM and you are on Density Bulk?  I hope you have an odd sleep schedule, because that is WAY out of protocol.  Eat some pre-workout meals.My mistake, I don't have a weird sleep schedule, I've just been getting up later than I'd normally do so I'll get at least some eggs and bacon in there first.  I've only got some whey concentrate with ace-k at the moment so I'm leaving that out of my morning coffee and just having the coconut oil and cream.  I'm still thinking like I'm doing the prep phase I guess.  I'm having a hell of a time getting a hold of some whey isolate or casein.As far as the spacing of the backload, it doesn't matter.  Just keep the backload under six hours.

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First backload is tomorrow, how should I space my meals?

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