Intra-workout shake and insulin

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    Got about three questions here!Lately I've been mixing about half a scoop of whey isolate with 3-4 litres of water and sipping throughout my workouts which gives me about 10-15g of protein during my lift. It seems logical to me to provide my body with building blocks during my workout as that is the time it is under the most (direct) stress. Since I am consuming the isolate over a 90 minute period, I don't think it has too much effect on insulin levels. Am I correct in this assumption?I am also looking to bring up my leg size/strength after an injury-related layoff from lower-body compound movements so I am considering adding more protein intra-workout and/or having some pre-workout fat (from coconut oil). Has anyone done anything similar or had success with a similar approach?I have even considered adding in intra-workout carbs about half way through my training session before carb nite. If this option is viable, I will move my leg training to before my carb nite as opposed to the day after. Any thoughts on this?


    Richard Schmitt

    Ah for questions regarding adding Whey to a session, I would weary about. Just because of the whole stopping of fat burning while training semi-fasted. Now, it could be a good thing to try, and log how it affects your body. Just my suggestion. I wouldn't take it, I'd follow CBL as is personally. I don't think the whey and coconut oil will add strength back to any area of the body. I believed it's really only used for recovery and supplying muscles again. Strength is gained by working on that body part.


    Brandon D Christ

    If you consume a pre-workout shake, I don't see a need for an intra-workout shake unless you are putting in over an hour in the gym. Why not just consume a shake pre-workout?I may start using intra-workout carbs.  That is something I have done before I did very well on it.



    If you consume a pre-workout shake, I don't see a need for an intra-workout shake unless you are putting in over an hour in the gym. Why not just consume a shake pre-workout?I may start using intra-workout carbs.  That is something I have done before I did very well on it.

    Pre-workout shake as in an AM Accelerator? My leg sessions typically last about 90 minutes but that's the longest session of the week.



    I do a CN every 5th day, on ULC days I have coc oil before and MCT oil and leucine during wo. On CN days I have gatorade intra wo.

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Intra-workout shake and insulin

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