Need some help picking a routine…

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    DH,I'm interested in a 4-day upper/lower split, focused on big compounds in a 3-5x5 rep scheme, with assistance/hypertrophy work to follow. My goals are strength and muscle gain.I currently lift full body, 3x week and have been doing CBL for a couple of months. I have been training with barbells about a year and my presses are weak in comparison to my lower body lifts. I'm 5'4, 135ish. I have a bad habit of overthinking and over-researching. I was just hoping for some input from the forums. Thanks,Monty



    Read Jim Wendler's 5/3/1…



    Read Jim Wendler's 5/3/1...

    Absolutely. Yesterday if possible  ;DKind of sounds like you have already though. You basically described it in your opening line lol.



    Damn. That seems perfect. I think I'll start monday…Any suggestions on assistance lifts? I have a few favorites, but I'm open to suggestions.


    DH,I'm interested in a 4-day upper/lower split, focused on big compounds in a 3-5x5 rep scheme, with assistance/hypertrophy work to follow. My goals are strength and muscle gain.I currently lift full body, 3x week and have been doing CBL for a couple of months. I have been training with barbells about a year and my presses are weak in comparison to my lower body lifts. I'm 5'4, 135ish. I have a bad habit of overthinking and over-researching. I was just hoping for some input from the forums. Thanks,Monty

    There was a program PERFECTLY as you described (a 5x5 w/ accessory work in the 6-12 range) in the November 2011 Muscle & Fitness issue (had Arnold on the cover).  The article was titled "Instant Muscle", and featured a 4 week cycling 5x5 + accessory program.  Really quite good.  One of the best issues of M&F I had read in a while. can grab a copy here (new, 3 left):



    Just do Starting Strength. With only a year of barbell experience and a solid diet in your corner (CBL), I envy your position. Or 5/3/1 with the boring but big template will give you good results. The key here is simplicity in the program, and dedication on your part. At this point you really don't need assistance work, just get strong as fuck and then see what else needs to be done.



    The key here is simplicity in the program, and dedication on your part. At this point you really don't need assistance work, just get strong as fuck and then see what else needs to be done.

    I disagree. Assistance work is important for bringing up weak areas right from the very beginning.A compromised position in the squat, caused by a lack of ab strength, can cause an injury which can put you out for weeks if not months.



    GSLP if you are beginner intermediate, then 5/3/1 trust me son!


    Damon Amato

    The key here is simplicity in the program, and dedication on your part. At this point you really don't need assistance work, just get strong as fuck and then see what else needs to be done.

    I disagree. Assistance work is important for bringing up weak areas right from the very beginning.A compromised position in the squat, caused by a lack of ab strength, can cause an injury which can put you out for weeks if not months.

    Very good point here.

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Need some help picking a routine…

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