hope i start to see results after my 2nd carb nite

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    tonight is my second carb nite i learned alot from last weeks….like start early train heavier ( ill be doin deadlifts today)  past 2 weeks ive been on this program i gained bout 6 lbs and just been holding steady at 255 for a week now... im doin everything right as far as i can tell... little hard getting the exact numbers but im sure im with 20g of each maybe cbl would work better for me?


    Richard Schmitt

    CBL SA might prove beneficial to you based on your goals. If lifting heavy almost everyday and want to get a lot stronger while losing body fat then yeah SA will be better. Though you're on your second CN so I would give it more time before switching.


    im unfamiliar with this “SA” you speak of… i saw that term before on here forgot to ask what it was


    Richard Schmitt

    Strength Accumulation


    i need to get the cbl book or is it the same basically but ik dextrose is a bigger part of it and on non training days u dont carb load


    Lesli Bortz

    you should get the book.Kiefer also mentioned some incentives to getting it before the updates come out...



    you should get the book.Kiefer also mentioned some incentives to getting it before the updates come out...



    Marty P Koch

    Yeah, he will cut off the offer to receive free updates and other goodies pretty soon from what he said on a recent podcast.



    Forgive my ignorance but where does one acquire such updates???



    There aren't any yet.And back to the OP, there are a lot of things that can be messing up your progress, you shouldn't gain 6 pounds in a week. How often are you weighing yourself. What does an ULC day look like? What do you have on Carb Nite? How's your sleep? What do you do for exercise? What do you do the rest of the day?Also you can definitely lift while on CNS, Kiefer uses carb nite with all his fitness athletes as well as MMA fighters and powerlifters.


    typical day i wake up bout 9-10 have my coffee and oil eat my first meal bout 12ish which is usually bacon eggs hamburger patty idk whatever i try to get bout 100g of fat in my first meal  i lift around 4 for an hr im on the 5/3/1 program maybe go play a little basketball later on in the evening and i do hiit the 3 days following carb nite..i think i gained the weight cuz my prior diet i was doin for a quick cut of 20 lbs i think i just rebounded cuz i did hit a stall after bout 12 lbs loss but ive been maintaing 255 since... no real difference in the two weeks looks wise ive been doin this

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hope i start to see results after my 2nd carb nite

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