Strength Loss and Strength Endurance on CNS

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    paul m

    Hi –  Been a DH follower for a while now but I've finally decided to lean out using CNS.  Completed the 10 day prep and into my 2nd week of carb nite.  So far I've only lost about 2-3 lbs of BW (193 to 190)  My question is:Kiefer has talked about how you will not loose strength on a ULC diet. And I do understand the mechanical differences when the tissues glycogen depleted.  That said, I have noticed a significant strength loss since starting the diet (more than I expected).  For ex, my bench has dropped about 10 kg, 1 RM and 5 RM.  Also noticed that  heavy sets of 3 or more reps feel like my strength endurance just dies.  I'm a powerlifter so I don't want to loose too much, although I do know it is inevitable while dieting down.  Just looking to minimize it. Anyone else experience this?  and suggestions?  I plan to up my creatine to about 10-15 grms a day.  ThanksPaul


    Richard Schmitt

    Losing strength does happen, however it can increase if you don't go to failure or mess up the Central Nervous System. If you emphasize on just the main lifts, and maybe a few accessory work. Basically getting in and getting out. I know I have lost strength being on CNS for a while.



    I'm in my 4th week of CNS and I've lost a bit of strength, maybe 5% off my 5RM.  Seems to take more off when the reps are more than 5.  Not too concerning. When you are finishing leaning out you can switch to CBL and get it back fast.



    I'm a woman, and of course not lifting as heavy as you guys, but not only did I notice a big loss in strength, but I also lost ability to do even reps….the two times I lifted this week, I got so lightheaded.  I had to set a dead lift down, halfway through, cause of it, and I was nowhere near 1RM.  But even on acccessory work, I was getting light headed and disoriented.  I am paying someone to coach me/train me for PL'ing, so I decided to ditch CNS.  I can't train fasted like that, and I certainly don't want to keep getting light headed.  So after a little break from dieting, I will try CBL.



    if you lift in the afternoon try to eat twice before you lift, that helped me a lotafter you get in ketosis, at least for me, it was like night and day my energy rebounded a lot.during something like CNS i dont see why anyone would be lifting above 90% max. scale back all your lifts a lot so youre not missing anything or grinding. higher reps wont make you weaker. im staying well below my 90% but my calculated 1rm hasnt budged at all.sure you can gain strength on cns and peoples log show it, but chasing 2 rabbits is going to leave you with nothing



    if you lift in the afternoon try to eat twice before you lift, that helped me a lotafter you get in ketosis, at least for me, it was like night and day my energy rebounded a lot.during something like CNS i dont see why anyone would be lifting above 90% max. scale back all your lifts a lot so youre not missing anything or grinding. higher reps wont make you weaker. im staying well below my 90% but my calculated 1rm hasnt budged at all.sure you can gain strength on cns and peoples log show it, but chasing 2 rabbits is going to leave you with nothing

    Well I attempted to do this, the reason being an attempt to drop weight (in the form of fat) while increasing my lifts for the purposes of dropping to a lower weight class while pushing my lifts up.The result?  It sucks, very miserable experience in the gym for me.  The actual diet itself is easy to follow, but it runs you down pretty quickly like this.  I know Kiefer has stated it's not meant for training like this, but more info on how to modify CN as a base to do so hasn't come out yet (he certainly teases doesn't he?)My coach did the same thing, running Smolov for squat and deadlift simultaneously while on CN.  His result was a torn hamstring.More on topic, I haven't lost any strength doing this, made a very legitimate PR attempt on the squat last week, and my lifts haven't really gone down, but progress on them is considerably slower and less enjoyable.



    I think carbs pwo is why your loosing f ur deplete they'll only giro muscle and not stall fat lossOr up the mct oil before go 3 tbls an see if that helps garuanyee it will



    My coach did the same thing, running Smolov for squat and deadlift simultaneously while on CN.  His result was a torn hamstring.

    I'm not surprised.  Running a super high volume training program on CNS sounds like a recipe for disaster. 



    how would you implemetn fat loss while on carbnite and still run a bodybuilding split and notovertrain what if i just took in carbs pwo for recovery?


    how would you implemetn fat loss while on carbnite and still run a bodybuilding split and notovertrain what if i just took in carbs pwo for recovery?

    Then you would be backloading.The best to do would be just do a push/pull/leg split. You aren't really looking to add a bunch of mass during a fat loss phase so this would be enough to keep your muscle and maybe add a slight bit without overreaching.Or you could go into overreaching and right as you are getting to the edge of over training take a deload week or two.



    ok im just about back to where I want to be 3-4% bf so i think controlled amount of carbs pwo will help on a 4-5 day split id like to fill back out and maintain fullness riding into the show. 



    I'm running a five day carb nite cycle, rather than 7 so I can exercise more



    I'm running a five day carb nite cycle, rather than 7 so I can exercise more

    How's that working for you?  Have you noticed an increase in your endurance and ability to complete a good workout?  Lastly..... lol  has it inhibited you body fat loss?  Sorry, for all the questions, I am strongly considering doing the same thing or switching over to CBL.Thanks!!


    Losing strength does happen, however it can increase if you don't go to failure or mess up the Central Nervous System. If you emphasize on just the main lifts, and maybe a few accessory work. Basically getting in and getting out. I know I have lost strength being on CNS for a while.

    Then I must be the exception to the rule. I have not lost any strength at all. Endurance is another story though. Right out of the gate My main lifts have gotten stronger week in and week out. that is why I only do a Primary lift and then a secondary lift. That is what I have switched to just because of the endurance issues. But as far as strength is concerned I have not lost anything.

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Strength Loss and Strength Endurance on CNS

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