Tartar Sauce

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    I would ask, if tartar sauce is bad for ULC days. Its really tasty with some meat or so.1tblspoon nutr. facts:Protein: <0,5 gCarbs: 0,9 gFats: 8 gI can live w/o it for sure, just asking .... 0,9g carbs isnt much


    Lasse Elsbak

    Looks great – especially the 8g fat part. Which type of fat is it made from though?As long as you count the carbs towards your daily allowance you should be fine, depending of course on the ingredients of the sauce. Some stuff is ULC, but can still hold you back. I assume you don't use huge quantities though?


    Richard Schmitt

    Oh yes does look pretty good. What type is this? I know Walden Farms have a tartar sauce I believe that is safe to use.



    cant find my tartar sauce on the internet, but i think, its all similiar with ingredients and so_-_125%20Tartar%20Sauce%208oz.jpg


    Richard Schmitt

    Oh boy definitely not a good use for an ULC meal. The ingredients in this will cause a lot of problems.



    yep, ok. I just found it in fridge and didnt know, if I should have 1 tablespoon or no… But I thought, it wont be that good.I will stay away from it, especially in my ULC day...


    Marty P Koch

    Yikes, HFCS….. RUN!!!I have been making my own ranch dressing based on a recipe for mayonnaise I found using 'approved' CNS ingredients.  Tartar sauce is primarily mayo and pickles (which I believe are okay, especially in the small amounts in this usage for ULC).I keep meaning to post up the recipe, and will try to get to it ASAP. 



    I find similar problems with salad dressings.  I went on a hunt in Whole Foods last weekend and EVERY salad dressing with a reasonable amount of fat is primed with soybean oil.  What happened to real ranch and bleu cheese dressings?  I had to resort to using low-fat and adding my own HWC.

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Tartar Sauce

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