Car Accident Today

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    Hey all,So I wanted to update you. 2 nights ago I went to the ER because I was MAJORLY backed up and needed them to help me along, because it was just getting worse. Well, what they did didn't work, and last night I was started to have a to of problems and was feeling faint, so I went back to the ER again at midnight.. well, it was a long night to say the least. At 5:30 AM, after IVs, blood, xrays, 3 enemas, and 2 bags of fluid pumped into me, we left the hospital. On the way home, we were 2 minutes away from my house when my Mom fell asleep at the wheel and we had a major car crash. And I don't know if any of you believe in God, but I do, and I know He was protecting me. Here's why: we were going 60 MPH and missed hitting a telephone pole by like 1/2 a foot. We crashed hard and were all put on body boards and put into neck braces and yes, I was escorted back to the ER. We got Xrays and were all shaken up, but thankfully were all fine. I'm sore as hell, and tired, but above all, thankful. Here's why. When I was leaving the hospital I was SO dreary and just dragged myself into the car pretty much asleep. I almost forgot to put on my seat belt but right before I completely dozed off I hear a still small voice in my head say to put on my seat belt, so I did when I was asleep. Well, had I not followed that little voice, I would have gone straight through the window and would probably not be here now. When I finally got home after 36 hours of being awake and well, going through it, I check my texts, only to find that BigTex informed me that my story is up on called "Survival of the Fittest", which is the story of my transformation and puttin on 40 lbs since finding out about Celiacs.I'm a survivor, and I'm going to bed now. 🙂 Happy to be alive!!!!


    Oh man, I'm sorry to hear about the accident, but It's fantastic news that you are all okay.



    Wow… truly crazy.  Glad you are okay. 


    thats a gold star nite right there

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