Time under tension program by Dave Tate, thoughts?

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    Hi everybody!I just want to know if somebody tried this program?http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance/my_greatest_gains_ever_dave_tateAny thoughts? Will it be great with CBL?Bigtyer



    I own it. Not sure if itd be good for cbl but I've heard him say that it's a good transition from powerlifting to bodybuilding. It helps you learn how to contract your muscles when training while not worrying about the weight.



    I've done the program and while it was grueling I'm not sure it qualifies as intense enough for CBL (Intensity being a function of how close the weight you are using is to your 1 rep max).  My take - I got some definition out of it but I always left the gym kind of unsatisfied. I'd say it is a very good transition program especially if you are coming off something with a higher volume.

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Time under tension program by Dave Tate, thoughts?

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