Food suggestions to end my 10 days no carbs on?

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    Oatmeal cookies are the bane of my existence, so I'll probably eat an entire package of those. Any suggestions/ personal favorites of yours? I'm on day 8 and only felt like complete crap one day. Little worried I didn't do it right but I'm just gonna go through the next two days and see what happens when I slam the carbs.



    I love angel food cake. I'm also a big fan of bagels


    Richard Schmitt

    Be careful with oatmeal, it will not provide the same affect as a cookie without oatmeal.


    Brandon D Christ

    Oatmeal cookies are the bane of my existence, so I'll probably eat an entire package of those. Any suggestions/ personal favorites of yours? I'm on day 8 and only felt like complete crap one day. Little worried I didn't do it right but I'm just gonna go through the next two days and see what happens when I slam the carbs.

    Only some people feel like crap multiple days.  I would actually say most people don't.  If you had under 30 g of carbs and weren't eating things with sugar alcohols, you are fine.Anyways my favorite thing to backload/Carb Nite with is donuts.  I would reccomend Dunkin Donuts because they use decent oil (palm oil non-hydrogenated).  Eat some donuts for me!

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Food suggestions to end my 10 days no carbs on?

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