carb nite and breastfeeding?

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    hi guys!!! so i just discovered carb nite a few months ago. i’m 31 weeks pregnant, and i was just wondering if any of you have experience with carb nite and breastfeeding. i want to start it after the baby is born, but i also want to breastfeed. so i just want to know if its a “bad” idea to start… and how (if at all) will it effect my milk supply and possibly the baby. any feedback is great! p.s i’m still reading carb nite. but i just needed to know this asap ha.



    If I remember correctly someone had done it and she said that for the first few weeks it was sort of come and go, but then once her body got used to it her milk production went back to normal and she didn’t have any issues with it? Not totally sure if my memory is correct.. it may have been from someone doing a ketogenic diet. Give it a shot and see, be sure to let us know how it goes and make sure you’re eating enough fat and protein on your ULC days for you and your milk production.

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carb nite and breastfeeding?

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