Backloading with sports practices?

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    Hello I am new to the forums but have been back loading this summer and have seen amazing results! I have added 100 lbs to my deadlift in 3 months, 25 lbs to my press, about 20 lbs to my squat and bench also without gaining weight. In fact, I think I have gained muscle and lost fat which is great!My question is about how to go about backloading when I have football practice from about 3-6 Monday-Thursday and games on Friday night? Do I treat practices and games like a training day and go ahead and backload on those days too? I appreciate anyone's answers!!  I have been lifting only 2-3 times a week during this season and I'm 195 lbs and about 15% BF according to my super high tech scale at home


    Richard Schmitt

    I would backload after those practices yes. Especially if you lift during those practices too.


    I would agree with Tex, that's pretty grueling stuff to go ULC for.You might even look and simply backloading every night.If you are concerned about weight gain just control your backloads.


    Damon Amato

    I have my high school football athletes backload Sunday night, then ulc Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday, backload heavy Thursday night, then backload after the game. You need those 2-3 ulc days to force your anaerobic threshold higher before refilling muscle glycogen Thursday night. Hardest part is destroying garlic bread while your teammates are getting pregnant with pounds of pasta at the same time.


    Damon Amato

    I should also add, sometimes during the week they'll just have 2 glasses of skim milk for hydration purposes.

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Backloading with sports practices?

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