BJJ Training on CNS?

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    I currently train in and teach Brazilian jujitsu twice a day 4 to 6 times a week. Should I “Carb Nite” every 5 days?


    Richard Schmitt

    Every 5th day would probably do you some good. Do you lift at all besides MMA? A good HIIT routine you might be interested in Post-Carb Nite is 1 minute with 100% intensity, followed by 2 minutes of easy rest.



    Thanks for the response. I will start training with Jesse Burdick in a few weeks once my time frees up from work but for now all I am doing is BJJ. I have no problem with energy but I do experience some muscle soreness later in the week.  I'm also concerned that if this is too much cardio while on CarbNite.


    Richard Schmitt

    Depends on what cardio you're actually doing. I know Mark Bell does cardio 3-4 times a week.


    Damon Amato

    Probably the best person to ask is Jesse Burdick then.



    I was going to suggest CBL to our TKD teacher (he's also a sponsored BJJ competitor athlete)…,but wasn't sure if those guys use it.  I know nothing of diets for that…i do know he appears to be a carb and Red Bull addict!  * my sons just finished up BJJ..husband was taking it as well (with a brown belt and NAGA ref for teacher).  We learn a fair bit in our TKD from our teacher (whole family takes TKD).So is CBL good for BJJ?  I know our teacher does conditioning and I do believe some weight lifting. 



    I am on day 15 of CBL and this is my first week of stuffing CARBS and I Love it by the way…But to answer your question with reference to me.  I also do BJJ (Blue Belt, 260LBs) and compete in Powerlifting as well.  My weight training consists of 5/3/1.  During my first week, I had no energy and tired extremely fast.  However, after my body adjusted to training on empty stomach and just taking the prescribed pre-workout drink, my energy has shot through roof and training has increased.  I do BJJ 3 times a week, with a private on Saturday and do weights on my off BJJ days a min of two days a week if I don't feel too beat up from BJJ.  Now, as a lazy guy by nature, compared to the lighter weights who like to squirm around and move all the time, I have received nothing but compliments on how energy I have and I am suprisingly able to keep up conditionally with the light weights and from my instructor (2nd Degree BB at 31yrs old); which is my goal so that I focus more on technique and not so much on strength.  Hope this helps.  I started CBL at a fluffy 271 and have dropped 10lbs which has equated to 3 inches on my waist and fuller looking muscles than prior.  I also do not CBL after BJJ training on keep loading to only weights and I have been recovering well. 


    Damon Amato

    I was going to suggest CBL to our TKD teacher (he's also a sponsored BJJ competitor athlete)...,but wasn't sure if those guys use it.  I know nothing of diets for that...i do know he appears to be a carb and Red Bull addict!  * my sons just finished up BJJ..husband was taking it as well (with a brown belt and NAGA ref for teacher).  We learn a fair bit in our TKD from our teacher (whole family takes TKD).So is CBL good for BJJ?  I know our teacher does conditioning and I do believe some weight lifting.

    Depends if you are weight training as well, however CBL can probably be done with that type of training.


    I currently train in and teach Brazilian jujitsu twice a day 4 to 6 times a week. Should I "Carb Nite" every 5 days?

    I had asked a similar question back in April.I train Kyokushin Karate (with full-contact, free-style hard sparring & regular tournaments), and I run CNS.  Just add extra MCTs pre-training to increase energy / strength (try a mixture of coconut oil and heavy cream in 16oz. black coffee).  Even with pad work, sparring and basics... the intesity isn't consistent enough to warrant shorter interval CNs -- it just isn't the same as consistent cardio sessions (b/c there is plenty of "rest" between fights or pausing for instruction, etc.).  I've lost zero muscle, and had no related set-backs thus far.Cory

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BJJ Training on CNS?

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