(huge) backloads 2 days in a row

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    Hey,im just thinking about how to distribute my carbs....My split is Chest/Arms, Abs/Calves/Legs and Shoulders/BackI am training on/on/off/on/ofLegday is always after Chest/Arms day.i am just backloading on training days to bulk really really lean.In the past i training on/off/on/off/on/off. perfect carb amount was 450 gr and 3900 calorien on train days and ULC with 2500 calorien on non train days. now i am still fine with 450 gr carbs but i think 2 days in a row with 450 gr are bit too much.So, what would you do in my opinion? After Chest workout 450 gr and the day after it, after legtraining 350 carbs? or on both days 400 gr and after shoulder/back 450 gr?Or maybe even smaller amount of carbs after the legtraining?need some ideas 8)


    Richard Schmitt

    When are you lifting? Each day will be different. Go by feel and see what works and what doesn't.



    on/on/off/on/offjust thinking about the carb amount on the 2nd on day 🙂



    cmon people, need some advices 🙂


    I always have the most carbs after leg day….450 2 days in a row might not be to much, you will just have to play with it.If you are only backloading on training days you will only be having carbs 3 days a week which gives you a lot more play.



    I always have the most carbs after leg day....450 2 days in a row might not be to much, you will just have to play with it.If you are only backloading on training days you will only be having carbs 3 days a week which gives you a lot more play.

    I agree with Trevor 150% ... i can slam 800g carbs after a leg day (lots of dextrose shakes and junk) and STILL weigh less the next morning.... Legs are a HUGE muscle group, so obviously the Threshold would be higher (i would think).



    Or maybe even smaller amount of carbs after the legtraining?

    Only if you are training legs like a wuss! If you are really training legs this should be your biggest backload. If anything go less carbs on Chest day and mega carbs on leg day. Since leg day is the next day youll still get some growth response from the extra carbs going towards your chest etc. Since muscle growth is stimulated for roughly 36-48 hours post training and all that jazz.



    yea I would go byhow you look maybe do a big backload after legs and if you look puffy in the am just do pwo shake of 100 for recovery unless you feel youve burned a good anount of glycogen and look flat an hour after ingesting the 100 grmas

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(huge) backloads 2 days in a row

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