Nutrition Doco’s/Movies

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    Alex Fergus

    Hi All.So i recenetly watched 'In search of the perfect Human Diet' after hearing about it on Biojacked. It was amazing! and I recommend everyone to check it out.I'm just wondering if anyone else can recommend any decent dvds along the nutrition line  that are worth checking out.I've been looking at Fat Head, worth the watch or na?What else is there?Cheers

    Seeking optimal health & performance for myself & others at:
    Alex Fergus Coaching -


    Craig jones

    How or where did you watch it? Did you buy it?Thanks Craig


    Alex Fergus

    Yea I got the Dvd, its doing the rounds with my clients now haha.

    Seeking optimal health & performance for myself & others at:
    Alex Fergus Coaching -


    Craig jones

    Yeah I would love to buy it but I don't think American DVDs are compatible with English DVD players.  Doh!



    Sounds good!

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Nutrition Doco’s/Movies

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