The Dumbest Nutrition or Training Advice You Ever Heard

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    I was a frutarian for a month. I lost weight. Luckily I was also weight training at the time, but never again.

    What observations could you make from that 1 month that you were on a fruit diet?

    Oh, I actually really enjoyed the diet. And I felt great. I did also eat things like arugula and pesto, plus small amounts of cheese. Interesting thing is that I was living in a tropical country at the time and my breakfast would be a whole fresh coconut. For lunch I'd have a salad, stir fry or just cooked veggies, and the same for dinner. Lots of fruit salads and nuts too.I was about 8 lbs lighter than I am now and I got lots of compliments on how tiny I was. The only thing was, I started craving bread like crazy (I was vegetarian at the time and now recognize this as a craving for protein). And that's when I ended the diet and started eating bread baskets of bread every meal time.

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The Dumbest Nutrition or Training Advice You Ever Heard

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